katie, beware... there is at least one picture on this blog that you will not wanna see...
everyone else, there may be two pictures you don't wanna see...
but here are some pictures of a few oddities i discovered to give yall a view of the other side of the islands--
everyone else, there may be two pictures you don't wanna see...
but here are some pictures of a few oddities i discovered to give yall a view of the other side of the islands--
a mean santa claus
burnt dinners... so post a comment and tell me what this was supposed to be, and the first correct (or closest) answer gets a box of chocolate covered macadamia nuts...
feral cats have their purposes too... this is the remains of fivel, an american tail... notice the tail in the bottom right (along with a tuft of fur); we determined the organ up top left must be its kidney.
this needs no caption. but how do you spell big?
this also needs no caption... (the best oddity of all)
eggplant parmesan?
i like when you're on holiday - you blog a lot.
those are totally stuffed peppers. but don't bring me macadamia nuts, I'm on a diet! bring me a hat.
Um, just wondering, where is your father?
Was it REALLY necessary to post such a GROSS photo??? Now that we have seen it, can you remove it? Please? I'm scared to come back to this blog now!!!!!!
which photo is gross? the one of his family?
Those are great comments above. Cindy knows just how much I enjoy the odd things in life like disemboweled tails of cats, that was magnificent. The spider is amazingly huge. Make sure it doesn't hitch a ride in your suitcase. Be careful not to get the spider eggs embedded under your skin and become a unwitting surrogate mother. As for the unknown food: did it come from the cat?
I'm enjoying all the pictures, except the spider, of course. (i only looked at it a little, with my hand over the screen) Is that a cane spider? My friend that lived on Oahu for a while told me that one of them acutally ran at him and jumped on him-- confirming my deepest fears that big spiders to want to jump at us and land on our faces.
enjoy the rest of your vacation!
The burnt food is probably Chicken, who was cooking? Love the spider, I actually miss them. The girls are beautiful as usual, John looks about the same, of course Ivona is also beautiful and slim. Hope you are having a great time.
i also thought they were stuffed green peppers...so what was dinner?
sarah plewe, you killed my game too quick... i shoulda disqaulified you cause you were there when i made the bell peppers in seattle! otherwise, you NEVER woulda known. a hat??? you mean a beanie? cause its not really the place for beanies... what about a can of mac nuts without the chocolate then??? that might be good... or be a little more specific on the hat thingee...
i was the cook... but this was the second pan... the first one we ate. and then we left for honolulu hale and forgot #2 was still in the oven. luckily we didn't come back to the house looking like that pan of stuffed bell peppers.
congrats sarah, and thanks to all who played.
kim, its a disemboweled rat, not cat... wow... that woulda been grosss!! glad yall liked the picturs, cause at least one person hated them...
and katie, as far as that spider jumping, i don't know... ko'olina killed it, and it ran ran ran to get away from her... wow, she commented afterwards, "i always feel so satisfied after killing one of those things."
woohoo! yes, a can of mac nuts would be great! the chocolate is the evil thing.
ok, good... cause you had me confused with the hat thingee... i was brain-hurtin. what does sarah mean by a hat?
(scenes from "go dog, go!" were popping up in my head: "do you like my hat?" "no, i don't like your hat." "good-by." "goodby.")
hah. I haven't seen "Go dog, Go" but that quote was funny. have you run into my brother yet?
"go dog, go!" is a children's book - written by the same author of "sam the firefly." it was one of my favorite books as a kid. i knew it memorized before i started kindergarten. (i remember thinking i knew how to read cause i could say all the words.)
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