well, maybe this event will force americans to take a step back and reconsider their position on islam and muslims in america. i think most people would not wish to be associated with the hillbilly pastor (from deliverance?) and may rethink their position on the new york city mosque that is planned for construction by the site of the world trade center. i am still puzzled that 61% of americans feel that the mosque shouldn't be allowed, and 70% think it's an insult to 9/11 victims. (since we are negatively categorizing religions, i am offended by quaker oatmeal, and when i was five my favorite movie was the gremlins... i don't know how this applies, but i don't know how the mosque controversy fits together either, so there you go.)

well, this is another one of those situations that causes me to pause and consider our superior-to-the-rest-of-the-world american values...
below is an article from the seattle times, about a guy that seems to take his ideals a little bit further than an american flag t-shirt and a sarah palin 2012 bumper sticker. he is a pastor of an evangelical christian church here locally that has been reaching out to area muslims to build stronger interfaith coalitions. michael ly is "self-described chinese cambodian american evangelical christian." read his story below:

LOL!!! devil is of the islam! LOL
I wish George W. Bush had spoken out about Yosemite Sam planning to burn korans today. Bush was the very first president to put the koran in White House library.
seems like he's using this as a platform to get people to notice him. he was actually up in new york city...
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