first it was terrorists, socialists, and community organizers... and now he's really pushing the limits. its over... now that i've seen this, there's no way i can vote for obama.
can yall visit my brother's "radical-right" website and let him know who yall are voting for tomorrow? check the right side of his page...
Joseph - That is SO cool! :) I love it. Too bad Utah will still vote 99.9% red though...
actually danielle, if you look at the numbers, utah is voting democrat at the highest rate ever!
almost 30% by some estimates. i think that utahns are finally realizing that chrisianity goes beyond abortion and gay marriage, but also extends to taking care of our poor, and those without healthcare in a real and meaningful way.
joy, you got me way nervous. i thought you were turning to the dark side but than i see the picture and boy was i relieved! thanks for sharing that is awesome! tomorrow i vote and it's obama/biden!
Well, I'm glad to see *we* are finally moving beyond that ignorant one-issue-voting. Tomorrow should be fun. Jason is already pacing.
Joseph, I think you need to stop being so political focus on the important matters, like how it's getting much closer to February and we'll hopefully be able to find out where they moved the island to.
I am one of the .1% in Utah!
sorry for making people nervous. (i even got a phone call. i couldn't tell if they were more nervous about who i was voting for, or for my soul.)
and cindy, your part of the .1%??? what? did you vote for la riva, the REAL socialist party candidate?
No, just piggybacking on Danielle's comment about how Utah votes 99.9% red.
Sorry Cindy - did I over-exaggerate a little?
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