you can't argue with this one: "mele kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright hawaiian christmas day."
and let me give you five good solid reasons why this is so:

#1: a walk on the beach is only a walk away. and this is us, on christmas morning, while waiting for ivona to finish getting the christmas omelets ready for breakfast. the kids got up early to open their stockings while i slept in... but eventually i got up, & a walk on the beach is
a great way to start christmas day.
#2: my 10 year-old niece, nohealani makes amazing sandwiches. i coaxed her into making this one for me... and there aint nothing like a turkey, egg and tomato sandwich to make the christmas season merry and bright.
#3: the brothers cazimero... these guys can sing. my brother, john, and my sister-in-law, ivona took me and my dad out to see their christmas concert on friday night at the newly restored hawaiian theatre. it was amazing. check out the link below for a sample of "the carol of the bells." they opened with this number, and it was hypnotic. some woman was so completely entranced, she walked off the balcony and tumbled into the crowd below. (only a few of us concert-goers noticed - the rest just went on listening...)
#4: my nieces really know how to bring it home when it comes to mele kalikimaka-- these girls are amazing! they're fun, beautiful, talented, and intelligent! and they know how to scream when they get that christmas present they have always wanted (and maybe even a gift they didn't want, but they know how to graciously scream for joy anyway).
Natahli, Welina, Nohealani, Ko'olina, and Ailana...
#5: when people carol here in hawaii, they sometimes sing in a language of the islands (samoan in this case)... and this was no different for us - here on the north shore - a family from the neighborhood came by- and sang songs, brought cookies and smiles.
so mele kalikimaka everyone; hope your christmas was great! and happy new year!